Mit Liebe von Ron Andrews selbst handgefertigt.
Die Titan-Kehrschaufel hat alle Eigenschaften, die Sie an unseren Käfigen lieben, erfüllt aber alle Ihre Reinigungsbedürfnisse ...
- Komplett aus Titanmetall gefertigt
- Super stark!
- Hochfunktionell
- Schön
- Leicht
Erhältlich mit dem King Cage-Präsentationsständer und einer Bürste Ihrer Wahl.
Heirloom Product that’s functional. And Ti…
I build handmade bikes in my garage and of course only king cage titanium bottle cages are installed on my bikes. Now I have the perfect dust pan to keep the workplace clean.
This makes cleaning fun
If you or someone you know love all things absurd, this is the expertly made thing you need. Beautifully crafted and perfectly functional. A dadaist pinnacle.
My road bike is titanium(w/King cages), my wedding ring is titanium even the plate in my head, post brain surgery, is titanium. Now I have the perfect workbench size dust pan perfectly crafted in, you guessed it, titanium. The master in perfect titanium bottle cages created dust pans made with the same attention to detail as everything else he touches and they are, well, perfect.