Dessus plat en titane
Dessus plat en titane
Idéal pour tous vos bidons non cyclistes, en complément des bidons cyclistes standards
Notre cage en titane standard mais sans courbure sur le dessus, ce qui la rend plus polyvalente pour une variété de types de bouteilles
28 grammes
3-2.5 Tubes en titane
Fabriqué aux Etats-Unis
*Ils rayent la peinture des bouteilles en métal
Meilleur ajustement:
Parfait également pour :
Kleen KanteenClassique / Large non isolé 27oz
Flacon Hydro
Aspirateur buccal standard 24oz
Aspirateur à large ouverture 20oz
Bouteille LockTop Tritan de 24 oz
Un peu trop gros :
Kleen Kanteen
*Ne fonctionne pas avec Thermoflask 24oz
Great cage for those non-indented bottles like the Kleen Kanteen screw tops. Beautifully made and works perfectly. Still holds regular bottles Just fine. I think I now own every model of cage that they make as they are on all my bikes. When will it stop?
…Buddha says, one must carry water and chop wood. The Flat Top cage has me half way to nirvana. A few days after the cage arrived, I ordered another to compensate for unchopped wood.
I have an emotionally needy bottle that constantly wants to be held. This cage didn't deprive my overly sensitive bottle of that need. The cage held onto it tightly in a warm embrace through the thickest of chunder and gnar the forest could throw at it. Oh, and at this price point it's much cheaper than therapy. Also, I'm not sure if therapy for a bottle is a thing, so just get the cage d*mnit. DO IT, DO IT!
Read a lot of people raving about King Cage when shopping for bottle cages, and they're right. Titanium is shockingly light and firm, did 50 miles on bumpy roads and bottle never got loose and left no marks on my bottle. Quality well worth the price.
excellent quality and very light